Because of recent updates to the CPH exam, exam results will not be available during the month of August. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Certified in Disease Intervention

What is CDI Certification?

The Certified in Disease Intervention (CDI) certification program is available to disease intervention (DI) professionals. A Disease Intervention Specialist is primarily a non-licensed public health professional with applied expertise in preventing the spread of infectious disease at the community level. They accomplish this by delivering a comprehensive set of client-centered services necessary to provide equitable access to recommended testing, treatment, and prevention resources.

CDI Certification assesses the competence of disease intervention professionals, offering evidence of essential knowledge and a standardized benchmark for skills. Certification requires continuous professional development for maintenance.

The CDI Certification Program is scheduled to launch in 2025!

Value of CDI Certification

Earning the CDI certification validates your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a nationally certified DI professional. CDI professionals in the workforce reduce risk and enhance community protection and public health safety. In addition, CDI certification allows employers and other stakeholders to identify individuals with the competencies needed to perform their role or task.

Get Certified

The CDI Certification Program is due to be released in 2025.

Professionalizing the role of DI professionals is the core work that we do. Certification elevates and promotes DI professionals to:

  • Stay current in disease intervention and prevention best practices
  • Meet national professional standards
  • Invest in their career
  • Increase their potential
  • Distinguish themselves from their peers
  • Go beyond their formal education

How to Get Involved

Advancing the DI workforce and their professional skill set requires a commitment from DIS professionals.

We are often seeking DI professionals to serve on volunteer committees, and when positions are open they will be posted here.

These are excellent opportunities to share your knowledge and skills and to network with colleagues in your field.

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Sign Up Here to receive email notifications regarding the CDI Certification Program

  • volunteer opportunities
  • program updates
  • educational materials
  • prep resources
  • practice questions
  • registration portal
  • events and presentations
  • learning programs


CDI Certification Governance

Thanks to the many volunteers that serve on our governing councils, SME teams, consultants, and committees. Your work and commitment are instrumental to the development and implementation of the CDI Certification Program.

CDI Governing Council – NBPHE Board of Directors: The CDI Certification Program is governed by the CDI Governing Council (NBPHE’s Board of Directors). The CDI Governing Council is responsible for the policies and procedures of the CDI Certification Program.

CDI Certification Advisory Committee: Members of the CDI Certification Advisory Committee focus on the goals of the CDI certification, challenges facing the CDI workforce, how the CDI certification will be administered, and develop a plan to ensure sustainability of the certification.

CDI Job Task Analysis Committee: These are subject matter experts who assist with development of the survey instrument, review the body of knowledge, and finalize the job analysis with NBPHE’s testing vendor.

CDI Item Writers: Item writers develop questions and collaborate with NBPHE’s testing vendor in the development of the CDI Certification Program.

Public Health Workforce Pipeline Development Consultants: These consultants provide expertise on the ensuring the CDI workforce pipeline is well-equipped and assist in identifying training needs.

Regional Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Subject Matter Experts: The DEIJ subject matter experts help identify regional disparities in infectious disease control.

The services provided by disease intervention professionals are foundational to the success of public health programs aimed at reducing the burden of infectious diseases within communities experiencing stigma and other barriers limiting access to medical care. The Certified in Disease Intervention (CDI) Certification Program provides a powerful tool for improving health outcomes through investment in the quality and effectiveness of these services.

Scott Strobel, Chair, CDI Certification Advisory Committee
Viral Hepatitis Linkage to Care Coordinator, Kansas Department of Health & Environment

I encourage disease intervention professionals interested in advancing their career and amplifying their role in public health to seek certification through the CDI Certification Program. Certification can add value by confirming the DI professional's experience, knowledge, and skills. Certification can also benefit new and experienced CDI in progressing their personal and professional goals. The CDI Certification Program is flexible, requires professional development for maintenance, and supports the important work of disease intervention professionals.

Krupa Mehta, MPH
Senior Manager, Prevention, National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors

The Certified in Disease Intervention Certification Program is supported through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through a Cooperative Agreement awarded to the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) and sub-awarded to the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE).

Thanks to our CDI volunteers, funders, and strategic partners in supporting the development of the Certified in Disease Intervention (CDI) Certification Program.

Eligibility Requirements

To sit for the CDI Certification exam, an individual must have at least one year of experience as a disease intervention professional and meet one of the following eligibility requirements:
High school diploma or GED equivalent with two years of applicable community experiences in counseling or health outreach.  Associate degree or equivalent with one year of applicable community experience in counseling or health outreach. Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university.  
To verify the candidate's eligibility requirement of one year of work experience as a disease intervention professional, the candidate's supervisor/HR manager submits the online Employment Verification Form.
Candidate must submit a copy of their student HS Diploma/GED certificate OR a letter from the school/institution indicating when and where they graduated/received their diploma/certificate.  Candidate must submit a copy of the student transcript.  Candidate must submit a copy of the student transcript.
Candidate must attest to completing the two years of applicable community experience and submit a resume.  Candidate must attest to completing the one year of applicable community experience and submit a resume.   N/A

Recertification Requirements

Continuing Education/Professional Development Activities
Must Relate to Disease Intervention and Prevention
CDI Recertification Credits 
Academic Semester-Long Course (Online/In-Person)  15 CDI credits per course 
Academic Semester-Long Course – Faculty Taught (Online/In-Person)  15 CDI credits per course 
Academic Trimester or Quarter-Long Course (Online/In-Person)  10 CDI credits per course 
Academic Trimester or Quarter-Long Course – Faculty Taught (Online/In-Person)  10 CDI credits per course 
Courses Taken through (e.g., CDC, NCSD, NTCA, NACCHO, ASPPH – Online/In-Person)  1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
DI Related Conferences/Meetings Participation/Attendance (e.g., CDC, NCSD, NTCA, NACCHO, ASPPH) – Online/In-Person)  1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
Earning Other Public Health Related Certifications  10 CDI credits 
Fellowship in Disease Intervention/Prevention   15 CDI credits per year 
Guest Lecturer (Online/In-Person)   1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
Mentoring Program (Online/In-Person)  3 CDI credits per year
Peer Assessment/Audit/Technical Assistance in Another Jurisdiction  10 CDI credits 
Presentation Attendance (Online/In-Person)  1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
Public Presentation (Online/In-Person)  1 CDI credit per hour of a presentation (Up 5 credits per presentation including prep time) 
Publication (Peer-Reviewed)  10 CDI credits per article 
Seminar Participation (Online/In-Person)  1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
Volunteer/Leadership Service for Certification Program (e.g., item writer/ reviewer, study guide, passing score study, exam review, job task analysis)  1 CDI credit per 1 hour (Up to 20 hours per recert cycle) 
Webinar Participation  1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
Work Experience (e.g., specimen collections, interviews, cases)  10 CDI credits per 10 specimen collections, interviews, cases (Up to 10 hours per recert cycle) 
Workshop/Training Course Create/Teach (Online/In-Person)  10 CDI credits per course
Workshop/Training Course Participation (Online/In-Person)  1 CDI credit per 1 hour 
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